Please contact us if you have a question and can’t find the answer here.
Yes! The Sea Shack sells ice year round by the bag or the scoop. Bring your own cooler for the scoop purchase.
Yes! A Sea Shack tab can be started for your group but this needs to be paid before you depart and it must be paid separately from your lodging bill.
Yes! They would love it! Bring any leftover or unopened food to the Sea Shack in disposable containers. Please do not leave food in your dorm kitchen.
We have frisbees, basketball, volleyball, soccer balls, and some other miscellaneous equipment that you can check out for free at the Sea Shack. We would recommend you bring your own sports equipment if possible.
Every group on campus will have adequate meeting space based on the size of your group. If additional meeting space is desired it is based on availability but there is an additional charge for this space. These requests are received on a first come, first served basis and may not always result in a group receiving additional space.
Early registration is an opportunity for you to make reservations next summer during your stay this summer. You must sign up while you are here and this reservation is for the same stay period and the same size dorm as you are in this summer.
4:00 pm or after. There are no exceptions to this rule. You will have no access to any part of your building until 4:00 pm.
Yes, we require all weekend groups to attend the Worship Service (10:00 am). NOTE, Sunday Services only take place during the summer season which is May – Labor Day.
You are responsible to pay for the “minimum” for the building you reserved. If you have more than the minimum, then you are billed for that number of people.
No. However, the local police typically patrol this part of the beach on a regular basis.
Yes! Wi-fi is for chaperones only! Group leaders may visit the Sea Shack or the office to obtain a password.
No, but the GCC staff will be glad to give directions to the closest laundromat.
Yes, we have four charcoal grills in different locations on our campus.
First, thank you! Our ministry to children’s homes is dear to our hearts. You can either leave the money in the children’s home collection box in your dorm or you may bring it to the Sea Shack.
While we don’t reveal the dollar amount that it takes to get on the Top 20 list, we so appreciate the efforts of everyone to make this a trip of a lifetime for the children’s homes that come our way.
During the summer months, you will check-in at the Sea Shack or with the night watchman. During the off-season upon your arrival, you will call the staff member on duty to let them know you are here. (843-902-8094, option 6).
Yes! Please consider inviting our summer staff to share their testimony or a devotion with your group. This could be done a variety of ways: one staffer at each meal time or at your worship time just to name a few. Contact a camp director to make arrangements.
You are responsible to provide your own food, toiletries (including toilet paper, soap, etc.).

About Us
Learn more about our rich history and meet our current staff.

Our Sermons
Stay connected with us by listening to our sermons.

Sea Shack
Our on-campus snack bar serving pizza, snacks, coffee, smoothies, ice cream, etc.

Interested in serving on our Summer Staff? Learn more & Apply Online.